Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Wedding Highlights!

We've put together a little slideshow of Danielle and Scott's wedding highlights. Check it out...

Click Here to see Danielle and
Scott's wedding slideshow

Monday, March 13, 2006

Congratulations Danielle and Scott! - Edward's Mansion in Redland Hills, CA

So we shot this really fun wedding at Edward's Mansion in Redlands last weekend and had a blast! Even though it was pretty wet out there, this couple showed that neither rain nor snow nor sleet nor ice could stop this wedding from being a huge success!

My favorites are the cake topper (groom being dragged by the bride) and when Danielle's dad handed the PINK SLIP of his daughter over to Scott! It was a REAL pink slip too! It was hilarious! Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Dreher!

Saturday, March 11, 2006

It's A Boy!

Congratulations to Dan and Marigold! Proud parents of another baby boy. Now I've got 3 kids to babysit! A message to my brother and sister-in-law: You better be ready to babsit when I start having kids! Check out my new nephew... Kale Julius Camerino Fernandez!